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Your baby and digestive disorders : what you should do cover

Your baby and digestive disorders : what you should do

Morgane Berthelot


During the first few months of life, your baby’s developing digestive system can be particularly sensitive. Even if digestive disorders are often benign and non severe, they still remain a source of stress. So what are they and how to provide relief?

  1. The different types of digestive disorders
  2. What to do to relieve digestive disorders
  3. A little help from Calmosine for digestive disorders

The different types of digestive disorders

For both babies and adults, digestive disorders stem from numerous factors. What do they look like?

Regurgitations (or vomiting)

This is undoubtedly the most common digestive disorder in babies. Why? Because during the first few months of life, the flap (small muscle between the oesophagus and the stomach) is not fully formed yet. It does not therefore play its role of barrier properly between the two organs. So if the stomach is too full, the milk is pushed back up into the oesophagus. These are physiological signs only. Rest assured they are natural and temporary.


Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

Gastro-oesophageal reflux is characterised by the stomach contents being rejected back to the oesophagus. The reflux is due to abnormal function in the flap located at the entrance to the stomach. Symptoms include vomiting and regurgitation in babies, along with pain (hiccups etc.). As the stomach content is acid, in the long-term, GORD can cause irritation and inflammation of the oesophagus.


Baby and colic

Episodes of colic are often trying for parents. Colic is however very common. It begins between the 2nd and 6th week of life and goes away on its own between the age of 3 and 6 months. Most of the time, it is characterised by long periods of crying. The infant writhes and turns red in the face. Baby’s stomach is often swollen and distended, and they may pass flatulence or stools.



We say there is true diarrhoea and false diarrhoea (to be monitored in the same way):
True diarrhoea is the result of a viral or bacterial intestinal infection. The stools are more liquid, passed more often and in a greater quantity than usual.
False diarrhoea is the result of specific events, like teething or even an ear infection for example. In these cases, the stools are more liquid, without any change in frequency.



Unlike diarrhoea, constipation is characterised by reduced stool output, the stools being thicker than normal. We often notice it when a baby turns red in the face while straining or crying on passing stools. We say an infant is constipated when they pass less than one stool per day. However, stool frequency can vary significantly from one infant to another. In addition to stool frequency, difficulty passing stools is also to be taken into account. A healthcare professional should always confirm the diagnosis.


All these digestive disorders are benign most of the time and there is no need to worry. They are part of development of the digestive system of your baby, who is discovering a whole new environment and diet.

What to do to relieve digestive disorders

Ensure sufficient hydration

In the event of recurrent diarrhoea or vomiting, your baby can become rapidly dehydrated. The first thing you should do is therefore to offer them a bottle of water often to which you can add a fluid replenishment solution. This solution in a sachet for dilution contains sodium and potassium chloride and sugar, and is recommended for compensating for mineral losses caused by repeated diarrhoea or vomiting, and can be prescribed by your paediatrician or recommended by your pharmacist.


Specific mineral waters

If your baby is constipated, see your healthcare professional who will know the best water to recommend for your baby


Massage your baby’s tummy

In addition to it being a real bonding moment with your baby, stomach massage is recommended for relieving digestive disorders. However, it is essential to follow the techniques by professionals, such as the LoVe massage!


Make sure your baby is in the right position when breastfeeding or bottle feeding

The way in which your baby takes their milk will have an impact on their digestion. The more the position is adapted to the digestive system, the better it will be!
Breastfeeding: baby’s body should be perfectly in line with their head. After breastfeeding, you should avoid lying them down straight away and keep them upright with their head over your shoulder and their stomach against your chest.
−  Bottle feeding: while taking it, make sure your baby is sitting instead of lying down. Like for breastfeeding, allow them to digest well first before lying them down.


Monitor your baby’s weight

If, despite a digestive disorder, your baby continues to feed normally and gain weight, in theory you do not need to worry. These digestive disorders will go away over time, the time it takes for the digestive system to finish developing.

A little help from Calmosine for relieving digestive disorders

In addition to everything mentioned above, you can help your baby digest well and provide relief through special food supplements.

Like Organic CALMOSINE Digestion, a natural solution with beneficial effect on digestive discomfort in babies.


The plants it contains are organic, which means they were grown and harvested by farmers committed to an environmental quality and protection programme:



 a plant from the Apiaceae family used for centuries before meals to ensure quiet and comfortable digestion. It improves digestive comfort.



a plant from the Tiliaceae family traditionally consumed in a herbal tea for its calming and soothing properties, especially on digestion.


Orange flower

 a plant from the Rutaceae family, much liked by all for its delicate and mild flavour.

In combination with Calmosine Digestion, our innovation has been specially designed for infants’ needs and to offer you a comprehensive response:

  • Calmosine microbiotic CLQ, with Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis, a targeted formula which helps protect flora balance in infants and children.


On the one hand you have the multiple effects from Calmosine digestion on the digestive sphere with fennel, and an effect on babies’ nervousness with lime and orange flower and on the other hand the effect of CLQ on the microbiota


Even if these digestive disorders are common and generally safe, we always recommend consulting your nearest healthcare professionals. They are in the best position for advising you on medicinal products or other solutions based on your baby’s medical history.

We are committed to ensuring that the plants used in our products are grown and harvested by farmers committed to quality and respect for the environment.

  • Made in France
  • Natural Origin
  • Formulated for children